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Followed by English translation






































I will be 35 years old soon, so the words came down from anywhere, my brain was conscious of it. Thanks to all the people and things I have ever met. If you feel that this article is good or sympathize, please share it with nice. I would like you to tell me what kind of things you tell in your case, and also tell them. Personally, there were many things to learn by languageization like this, so I would like you to try it for all of you.


10 things I want to tell my kids when I have them

1, Money is important

You can do most things if you have money. However, money is not a purpose but a means, so do not make a mistake on that point. As with language, foreign languages such as English are not intended to be able to do it, it is only a means for communicating with someone and getting information. Do not make mistakes as the means aims.


2, Friends (or personal connections) and credit are more important than money

Even if you have money, it is not fun without people around you. As money itself is almost only a digitized value of credit, if you invest in building personal connections, raising credibility and acquiring knowledge money will come later.


3, Learn how to get along well with stress

Most diseases and disorders in life are caused by stress. Although it is necessary to avoid it, it is also absolutely inevitable, there are cases where the motivation is raised by stress, so know the way to get along with your stress and know how to do (know yourself), well Learn how to do it. Keep a place you can calm down in whatever circumstances you are, a place you can escape, a person who will meet you and a thing that will make you in a positive state (in my case, listening to music or riding a motorcycle) .


4, Touch a good stuff

Things that are said to be good in the world, popular ones have reasonable reasons. Do what you want to do and want to experience in that, do not hesitate to try. Also, if realistically possible, even if you are not very interested in you, you will catch on your antenna and try it if you are invited by someone else. Something new possibilities may come from it, and there is a high possibility that it will be a valuable opportunity to know new things.


5, Experience yourself on anything, anything

Thanks to the Internet, you can easily get various kinds of information, but there is about 100 times difference between what you experienced yourself and what you heard from people. Find what you want to do, find what you want to experience, and try it. If you seriously wish, most things can be realized.


6, Rely on people, also become a person relying on others

There are few things that can be done, knowledgeable, and experienced by yourself alone, and the life of human beings is too short. There are people and friends who are considering similar things more than your imagination, so rely on people. And becoming a person to depend on such comfortable companion.


7, Basically you do not have to worry about the eyes and opinions of others

Others are only others. Although it is a good point or a bad point of human beings, people quickly forget things. Look at you in the world, there are only a few people who remember you, so you do not have to worry about it. You become worried when trying something, when you act something, when sending something, it seems in most cases that you are overconscious.


8, Find the person you believe in, and build relationships and maintain

Find a person you can respect, and be as close to them as possible. To make time to meet. To go to see that person from you and to become a person to meet again. It is understood by experiencing yourself, but everyone has ups and downs, so it is necessary to adjust in tune. People, friendship and love change, and grow. If you think that it is painful when it is broken, try to maintain it. It is still important to meet with the person as much as possible.


9, Be completely alone, take time to know yourself

First of all, knowing yourself is important, and if you do not know it, you do not know what you want to do, what you should do, what makes you feel better, what you like.
Take time to talk with yourself, even to roughly make a roadmap or plan of your life.
In the end, it is you who make the final decision or judgment in any situation, so keep the opinion of others to the reference level.


10, Faithful to familiar people, parents and relatives

In the process of life, people easily forget the gratitude or love for familiar people. I also used my time and money for friends and my favorite things than my parents and relatives. Because I am your father, I am not telling you this kind of thing. Strange to say, there will be times when you will have some age you can think of having fun talking to parents and relatives. When that timing comes, make it possible for you to meet them so that you can talk to them so that you can thank them.







